
what's the meaning of life?

every culture views life differently. who is right? no one. that's what makes life so interesting. every culture is good and bad at something. one of my classes in college talked about a few outcomes for humans, and I don't remember the academic name for it, but one of them was the coming together of all humans to survive, the other was environmental degradation and fall of humans...I don't remember the names or details, but that's that. I also think humans are naturally attracted to the opposite of themselves. I'm basically serious and German, and I love Italian people. I've never met an Italian person I didn't like. I can't even eat pasta, but still I like them. They bring out something in me. Of course I could never be latin, spanish, italian or whatever, I am who I am, but I can change certain parts of my lifestyle or thinking to be more like them. and that's adaptation. but genetics can't be changed. I'm not trying to be something that I'm not, I'm trying to understand the world. currently my perception of life is less than .0000000000000001% I'm guessing. I have ongoing health issues that keep me from being as adventurous as I might like....but still I need to see more... fuccckkkin A. California is awesome and expensive, but I'm so sheltered.

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